
當(dāng)前位置 首頁 倫理片 《粉紅沙龍病院3》


類型:倫理  日本  2000 

主演:黒田詩織 西藤尚 工藤翔子 



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 Komasa is a cow-girl drifter who works at the whore house, “Hot-Lips”. One day, she saves the life of Monroe, a pink-haired woman, who is being attacked by a demon.  Monroe gets a job at “Hot Lips” where it’s quickly discovered that her blowjobs have magical healing powers. Soon she’s the most popular girl there as lines of sick and handicap men seek special treatment from the woman who has the healing powers of an angel…  Director Mototsugu Watanabe (Sexy Battle Girls) directs this irreverent sexy comedy!


Copyright ? 2021 番茄影視

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